Thursday, November 30, 2017

Wow ‘Em On Christmas Morning!

When Christmas morning arrives, the last thing we should be thinking about is all of the gifts under the tree. We should remember how this time of year is for giving from our hearts and not expecting anything in return. We should be thinking about friends and loved ones who may not be doing well this time of year. We should think about the Christmas Miracle and that the little Baby Jesus was born.

But seriously, didn’t we think about all of that at church on Christmas Eve? In my family, my mother has always instilled in us “the reason for the season” and we show our respects at Christmas Eve Mass.

…so that on Christmas morning, we can act like the lunatics we are and rip through the precisely wrapped gifts in record time. Dad always plays Santa (we’re going to ask for his resignation soon because he moves too slow) and one of the younger kids always plays Santa’s Helper. My mom is always singing and cooking in the kitchen and we have to threaten to halt Christmas just so she’ll come sit down and participate. It’s a whole thing at the house but what I’m getting at is – GIFTS!!!!

I’ve researched a couple of ideas that I think will make excellent Christmas gifts for family and friends. These gift ideas are gender neutral and will deliver just the right amount of “ooooo’s and aaaaaah’s” on Christmas morning.

Here’s the list.  Be sure to check it twice!
1.       Art

Normally, art is a personal thing. The owner has to just want to die for a piece of art (or it could just be me). But the art I’m talking about isn’t the hoity-toity art. Find a landmark from a place beloved by the person receiving the gift. Have a unique art application applied to it. The image above is the Eifel Tower with a Van Gogh treatment. Cool, huh? Or take a photo of the person receiving the gift and give it the Warhol treatment. I’m a huge fan of

2.       …and Speaking of Cool Art

Give the gift of sound this Christmas. Have the sound waves of your voice saying a sentence printed on to a canvas with a QR Code that, when scanned, will playback you actually saying the sentence. Choose an inside joke punchline, the standard holiday greeting or those three magic words people never tire of hearing.  Click here for more info:

3.       Cookbook

There are so many recipes floating around the family. Someone knows how to make Grandma’s cornbread dressing and someone else knows how to make her Waldorf Salad. Uncle Carl makes a mean BBQ sauce and Aunt Brenda fries chicken that beats KFC, beaks down! The problem is, none of these recipes are compiled in one place. You can do that. Put together a family cookbook with pictures, stories, and more. That book will become a family heirloom. Trust me! Try this site to get you started www.cookbookcreate.

4.   A DNA Analysis Kit

Ok, so you remember your grandparents telling you how your great-great-great grandparents swam to America from distant shores. Or, if you’re African American, the stories aren’t so clear. Why not answer some questions once and for all and find out where EXACTLY your ancestors came from. Who knows? Maybe your people are from Mars. I know that would explain a lot about my family.  ;)  Get a DNA kit from for $69.00.

5.       Message Band

These powerful little treasures are (your choice of) metal bangle bracelets inscribed with a message meant to give you a daily dose of empowerment. The company I buy my gifts from ( has so many mantras to choose from. A few of my favorites are, “What If You Fly,” “Be You, Love You, All Ways, Always,” “You Are My Person,” “Carpe Diem,” and “Though She Be Small, She Is Fierce.” …and these gorgeous stackable bracelets, for men and women, are only $25 each.

6.       Streaming Stick

Whether you’re a cable cord cutter (see September blogs) or just a tv/movie watcher on the go, streaming sticks are awesome. In a nutshell, they allow the user to keep all of their entertainment choices on a USB drive so it can be watch on any monitor with a USB port. They’re awesome! The basic Roku streaming stick costs $50.00

7.       Tile

My mother, whom I love most dearly, canNOT keep up with her phone. My husband is always losing his wallet. My stepson has issues finding his house key. Let me tell you, I am a woman on the edge. If you too are living the life of that of a Seeker For All That Is Lost, give the gift of Tile. This super slim device can be inserted into a wallet with no bulk, added to a key chain, or slid into a cell phone case. If an item is lost, go to the website and be given the exact location of where it is. I’ll gladly pay $25 for each Tile needed if it means I don’t have to be the one on safari looking for whatever is lost now.

8.       The Inverted, Reverse Umbrella with “C” Handle

You’ve seen the commercial about the umbrella that open in the opposite way we’re used to. All I can say is…get one!! I love mine. It really is super easy to get in and out of the house, car, building door, because of the way it opens and closes. The “C” handle can be used to hold keys, a purse, small/lightweight bags, and will slide over (some) wrists. Currently, these umbrellas cost $27.00 but I’d gladly pay $50. …especially for the ones that have a pretty scene painted on its ceiling.

9.       Subscription Box

It is noooooo secret that I think subscription boxes are the coolest things since the Snuggie (and if you know me, you know I loooooooooove muh Snuggie!) A subscription box is a mail order service that, based on your preference, will mail out goodies to you once a month or every 3, 6 or 9 months for a fee. Do you know a wine lover? Instead of the wine of the month club, give them a “wine by the glass a month” subscription. Want to give a gift that keeps on giving? Give your loved one a subscription box to a service that mails out the latest trends. No matter what interests the people in your life, believe me – there is a subscription box out there. Don’t want to commit to a long term subscription. No problem! Most subscription services have a one-time purchase option. Click here for a list of most wanted subscription boxes:

10.       Cold Hard Cash

If you find yourself needing a last minute gift, cash is always acceptable. It’s easy on you and allows the person getting the gift the opportunity to get something that maybe Santa forgot to leave under the tree. To make it more than just cash in an envelope, try one of these cool presentation. As so many chefs (and parents) know, presentation is everything.

Some people just do not enjoy the whole Christmas gift-buying ordeal. They may be nervous about getting someone the wrong gift. Maybe the budget is a little under the weather (whose isn’t, am I right?) Maybe they’re undercover Scrooges.

Then there are some people who like the whole process of buying Christmas gifts. I am one of those people. I pick the first name on the list and quickly run through my year with them. What did they like or not like? Did they mention anything they’d like to have? Do they have a hobby or interest? If I can’t get a good gift idea from that, I start on Plan B…something unique, unexpected, and that will last years. That’s how this list was developed.

BUT!!...In keeping with what Christmas is really all about, when picking a gift, it really is the thought that counts. Trust your instincts and you’ll give just the perfect gift. You’ll get the perfect gift, too…smiles and hugs are priceless.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

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