Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Where are those flying cars we were promised?

I think it's fair to say that most people who work in the DC Metro area commute.

I think it's even fair to say that the devil himself must have been the mastermind behind the hot mess that is I-95 and her pals, 395 and 495.

But mostly I think it's perfectly fair to say that, in all my years upon this Earth, my mind is unable to take the years of education and life lessons and then wrap itself around the absolute madness that exists on I-95 north OR south (at any given point in the day) that results in the absolute gridlock which occurs between Arlington and Fredericksburg!

What fresh Hades is that?! I mean, I get it. There are roughly 7 billion people on this planet...but are they all commuting at the same time every day?? Between these two particular points?!

Before I began working in Northern Virginia I must admit I suffered from the occasional bout of road rage (or often, if I'm being honest.) I tailgated, screamed, hit my steering wheel in frustration at the person in the left lane gong the exact speed limit who just WON'T MOVE! But over the recent tenure I've spent commuting I have actually mellowed on my driving habits. It's some sort of commuter hypnosis. I've accepted my fate.

Don't even get me started on holiday

I have to believe most of my highway brothers and sisters feel the same way, for I see them beside me, sitting, waiting, glossy-eyed and weary, praying for everyone to just GO!

And the traffic stalls all occur in the exact same spots every single clockwork.We give those spots names: "No Reason Whatsoever" (the exit of the HOV near Quantico), "Geico" (the merge at Hwy. 17), and such.

Just once it would be a blessing to sail home at a consistent speed above 55. Just once I would like to leave work at 4 pm and march through my door before 6. And just once it would be nice for the slow (insert any car here...ahem, Prius) driver to drive in the right hand lane, instead of doing 63 mph in the left (seriously people, move over and stop contributing to road rage!) Just once it would be nice to leave work on a Friday afternoon and not have to pack food for the three hour ride home!

...and if anyone has access to a genie which will grant me one of those wishes, I'll take that ocean front home in Arizona too!

disclaimer: we realize not all Prius drivers are the culprits of the aforementioned slowness. It is just this author's experience.


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